Buy Greg Stafford's "Three Dissertations on the Teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses" if you are interested in researching JW eschatology. It has quite a thorough review packed full of quotes going way back.
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JoinedPosts by yadda yadda 2
JW history buffs questions for you.
by Crazyguy ini was reading the book 'time at hand' by russell dated 1889 volume 2. in the book russell says that the 'day of the lord',' day of trouble' started in 1873.. i thought he was with boubor on the time of jesus so called start of his heavely kingdom to be 1878, of course after boubor prodicted 1878 as the year for armagedon and it didnt happen so he substituted "his presence" instead.
but this book seems to state other wise??
please advise.. also after russell's perdiction of armagedon in 1914-15 did happen, didnt rutherford say some thing to the effect that 'yes the time had ended the gentile times, and were now in a new age and thats why that generation would not die etc.
"Why Nobody Ever Came Looking For You when you faded!"
by RottenRiley inthey are afraid you are going to infect the good works done by the active jws.
are you aware that "one weak jw who is fading can take out five strong jws, so it's best to avoid or greatly limit your contact with weak jws?
" circuit overseer (past) words.. .
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My 45 years very borg loyal JW mother once told the elders that if they spent more time shepherding and visiting the weak they would cut their judicial committees, reproofs and disfellowshippings by half.
No fences at the top of the cliff with this organisation, just guys at the bottom to clean up the mess.
What other religious groups are ...
by EdenOne inb) teach conditional salvation based primarily on faith in christ?.
c) refuse eternal torment in a literal fiery hell?.
d) refuse the immortality of the soul?.
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There's an international group called Christian Bible Students who are very similar to the JW's minus all the weird, extreme stuff, and with the focus on Jesus not Jehovah. On their website you may find links to other similar groups.
Sir Anthony Buzzard's Restoration Fellowship
Various small Yahwehist Christian groups.
The Quakers, kind of.
Elder and CO just dropped by....
by El_Guapo ini haven't been to a meeting in over a year, and as you know as soon as you stop attending meetings/fieldservice the "conditional" love becomes more apperant.
the coordinating elder starts off by saying how much he loves and misses me, etc.
i ask him, when was the last time you called or texted me?
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Absolutely brilliant man. I loved reading that, thanks for posting it.
Those elders sure proved that JW's don't have "love amongst themselves" as a hallmark of true Christians, haha.
My take on the meeting yesterday.
by integ insome of you are aware of where i'm at with this whole thing.
i still occasionally go to meetings for family reasons but my attendance has been lack luster at best.
i'd say i go about once a month if that.. i empathize with those who are wary of taking the ultimate stand for fear of losing their family.
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It's boring. It's the same old crap they've been saying for decades. It amazes me people are so dense to still buy all the crap they are selling. So amazed I really think there is a large percentage who actually DON'T buy it but are compelled to go thru the motions.
My own thoughts exactly. I just can't understand how they can keep doing it year after year after year AD NAUSEUM. They couldn't make the meetings more boring if they tried! It's bizarre. I really feel sorry for the kiddies. Such a child unfriendly religion (terrible boring long meetings, field slavish, no birthdays or Christmas or Easter eggs, no after-school sports or parties, mummy and daddy will let me die if I need a blood transfusion, a paedophile in every congregation).
More JW STATS from this year's CA: Gods Word Is Beneficial for Teaching
by suavojr inthis past weekend i wasted my time at another jw ca, during this time this is what our new do shared with all the drones and i just wanted to share with all of the current awaken jw's or ex-jw's.. .
public address: who is rocking the nations, and how?.
we all know the jw leaders love talk about numbers!.
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The BIG surprise is the release of the following Jesus kick-apostates-arses plastic toy. This will replace all the thrown away Sparlocks, Smurfs and other evil magic wizard toys discarded by loyal and obedient JW children.
New awake up on about suicide
by hoser inthey have printed a series of articles about suicide.
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Older Watchtower statements on suicide have suggested the victims may not get a resurrection, believe it or not. I remember reading an article on it. The subject has been explored in depth on this forum in the past, use the Search facility.
More recent doctrine has softened on it, simply saying we cannot judge whether the person will get a resurrection or not, and thats as far as they go. References are made to Judas hanging himself, etc. This rather disgustingly leaves the victim's grieving family and loved ones wondering if perhaps the person has committed some sort of unforgiveable sin.
We know that suicide is the result of mental illness/unbalance (most often), but scripturally it is a sin. Romans 6:23 is very clear that the wages of sin is death, so a suicide victim pays for ALL sins, including taking their own life, upon death. There is no reason to categorise a suicide victim's chances of resurrection any differently than anyone else that will benefit from a resurrection, scripturally speaking. Shame on the Watchtower Society for not acknowledging this.
I had a very close ex-JW friend who committed suicide many years ago, and later a cousin. I was never so grief stricken and tearful in my life.
More obvious reasons why Jesus never took up Kingdom rule in 1914
by yadda yadda 2 inthe society has long taught that the immense, heaven-reaching, majestic tree of daniel 4 that it says represents gods rulership over the earth was cut down in 607bce, but that the copper band around the tree stump was unbanded in 1914ce when it says the kingdom was born and jesus began to rule.. matthew 13: 31 - he presented another illustration to them, saying: the kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain that a man took and planted in his field.+32 it is, in fact, the tiniest of all the seeds, but when it has grown, it is the largest of the vegetable plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its branches.. notice the similarity of jesus words above with the description of the majestic tree of at daniel 4. there is even a cross-reference at matthew 13:32 to daniel 4 in the new world translation.. jesus is here comparing the kingdom of heaven to a tree that would have a tiny beginning as a seed but would grow bigger than all the other vegetation.
tree seeds take a long time to grow, and so do unbanded tree stumps.. if the tree of daniel 4 was unbanded in 1914, did it instantly grow back into a giant, majestic tree over night?
no, it would take a long time for it to regrow to its former height and glory.
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The Society has long taught that the immense, heaven-reaching, majestic tree of Daniel 4 that it says represents God’s rulership over the earth was cut down in 607BCE, but that the copper band around the tree stump was unbanded in 1914CE when it says the kingdom was born and Jesus began to rule.
Matthew 13: 31 - He presented another illustration to them, saying: “The Kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain that a man took and planted in his field.+ 32 It is, in fact, the tiniest of all the seeds, but when it has grown, it is the largest of the vegetable plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its branches.”
Notice the similarity of Jesus’ words above with the description of the majestic tree of at Daniel 4. There is even a cross-reference at Matthew 13:32 to Daniel 4 in the New World Translation.
Jesus is here comparing the kingdom of heaven to a tree that would have a tiny beginning as a seed but would grow bigger than all the other vegetation. Tree seeds take a long time to grow, and so do unbanded tree stumps.
If the tree of Daniel 4 was unbanded in 1914, did it instantly grow back into a giant, majestic tree over night? No, it would take a long time for it to regrow to it’s former height and glory. Logically, the tree of Daniel 4 if unbanded in 1914 would not represent the kingdom of God until it had re-grown slowly until eventually attaining it’s former height and glory.
The tree in Daniel 4 was an immense, majestic, heaven-high tree when it was cut down. It provided food for everyone on earth. But in 1914 when unbanded it was just a lowly stump. It would take time to regrow and reach it’s former glory. Is it reasonable to liken the son of man taking up kingdom rule in 1914 with that of a tree-stump? Daniel 7 says that when the son of man was given rulership, he was also given “dignity”. Being likened to a tree-stump is hardly very dignified.
Think also about Revelation 12. There it describes the birth of a baby, a male son. The JW’s say that the birth of this baby means the birth of the Kingdom in heaven in 1914. Similar to the point above about the unbanded tree stump, is it sensible to compare the dignified coronation of the newly enthroned King, Jesus Christ, and birth of his kingdom with the birth of a helpless baby who must be whisked away to safety for fear of being devoured by the dragon? Hardly.
Revelation 12: “1. Then a great sign was seen in heaven: A woman was arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of 12 stars, 2 and she was pregnant. And she was crying out in her pains and in her agony to give birth. 3 Another sign was seen in heaven. Look! A great fiery-colored dragon, with seven heads and ten horns and on its heads seven diadems; 4 and its tail drags a third of the stars of heaven, and it hurled them down to the earth. And the dragon kept standing before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she did give birth, it might devour her child. 5 And she gave birth to a son, a male, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod. And her child was snatched away to God and to his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God and where they would feed her for 1,260 days.
Babies take a long time to reach full maturity. Same with an unbanded tree stump that starts to regrow. Using this reasoning, scriptural logic dictates that the enthronement of Jesus as King could not have occurred in 1914.
If non-anointed JW's are now "domestics" then they must also be in "the household of God" - Eph 2:19
by yadda yadda 2 inthe new light from 2012 summarized on
who are the domestics?.
jesus said that his domestics would receive food at the proper time.all genuine followers of jesus are fed by the faithful and discreet slave.
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Thanks Fernando. My fee to plagiarise my 'new light' to get them out of their current increasing numbers of anointed partakers dilemma = free!
Don't Question GOD! (aka the governing body)
by sunny23 indid a simple search in the wt library for words like, "question," "questioning," "doubts/ing,"obey," "understand.".
these are listed in order of occurence oldest to newest (up to 2012 as my library is 2012 version).
"if we have love for jehovah and for the organization of his people we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the bible says, 'believe all things,' all the things that the watchtower brings out"qualified to be ministers (1955) p.156.
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What I don't understand about this new light is they that say the appointment over all Jesus' belongings in the future will be the reward of all of the 144,000 not just the GB, yet the new light say the FDS did not exist until 1919 and it only stands for the collective spiritual leaders at Watchtower headquarters.
How can all of the 144,000 share in the future heavenly appointment over all the 'belongings' when according to the new light 99.9% of them are not members of the FDS? Jesus said the appointment is only for the FDS.